
Are you struggling with your website?

When a dental practitioner decides to go solo and open up their own practice, there are lots of things that should be taken into consideration, One of the main tools that assists them in getting new patients through the door and making sure that they stay is a good website. Dental websites can be difficult to create if you are not experienced in what you are doing, and it can often be incredibly time consuming and stressful. In some cases you may find that hiring a professional to create and maintain your website takes a lot of stress away from you, allowing you to focus on other important features of your practice. There is more to creating a website than just putting information about treatments on it and providing your contact information. In today’s times, internet users expect much more from a website, and will not hesitate to go somewhere else if they are not satisfied with what yours has to offer.

Keeping everything and everyone up to date

employees working

Once you have yourself a professional, sophisticated website you need to start thinking about how you can utilise your website to get as many new patients through your practice doors as possible. Your website should be regularly updated with any new information that could be relevant, such as offers on treatments or if there are new treatments or products available, as well as if you have to close for the day or your latest patient success stories. It’s vital that you have a professional blog that you keep up to date, as the use of keywords within this blog and frequency at which you post new material is what helps to get your website within the first few results of Google when people are searching for related terms. You can also utilise social media to ensure that you are reaching the largest possible audience, as not everyone will be on the same platform. Linking your blog or website to your social media platforms means that it is easier to reach out to patients and create a more personal relationship.

Is your site mobile friendly?

These days smartphones and tablets have made the internet even more accessible than it already was, but people are starting to abandon using web pages that cannot be easily viewed on their mobile devices because it is simply inconvenient and it takes them too long to find the information that they need. Having a mobile friendly website means that all of your website’s pages have been optimised for use on a mobile device and people will not be required to zoom in or out to try and see other parts of information that have been cut off of the screen. People are more likely to recommend your website or practice to other people if they are impressed with the quality of it, but being mobile friendly is not the only thing that can help get future patients to stay on your site. Fast loading times are just as important, if your pages lag and take a long time to load there is a high chance that your future patient will decide to take their business elsewhere, where they do not have to wait to find out the information that they have been seeking.

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