Cremation Jar

New Methods for Cremation in Utah

Cremation has gained traction in Utah primarily because it is a cheaper alternative to a burial ceremony. Liquid cremation, in particular, recently became a legal means for cremation in the state and other locations across the country.

Prior to the approval, only 15 states in the U.S. allowed the process of alkaline hydrolysis before Utah legalized the procedure in May 2018. If you are looking for a funeral service in Roy or Clearfield or any other city in Utah, there is a good chance that some companies already offer this as an added service to their clients.

A Less Expensive Solution

Otherwise called aquamation or flameless cremation, the process of alkaline hydrolysis is a better alternative to the common form in terms of its environmental impact, according to its proponents. Some funeral service companies would say this is a good option for those who are hesitant with the idea of cremation, yet also do not want to be buried in a gravesite or cemetery.

The Cremation Association of North America also considers it a legitimate type of cremation, despite only using heat instead of fire. The method works by dissolving a dead person’s remains in a hot mixture of chemicals and water. Since the cost of a funeral could easily reach several thousands of dollars, it’s not surprising why new types of cremation have emerged to cater to a growing demand for alternative disposal of human remains. In fact, experts expect the cremation rate in the country to reach 75% in the next 30 years, which is a steep increase from 3.7% in 1945.

Ways to Save on Burial Expenses

cremation jar and candles

If you still wish to have a traditional ceremony, you should be aware that the average cost of a funeral today might range between $7,000 and $10,000. The actual cost may vary based on different factors, such as the type of casket and the place where you want to be buried. Other costs include a headstone, burial site, obituaries, and even paying for catering services for visitors.

Some of your options for saving money on a casket would require you to shop around. You shouldn’t buy the first one you see, especially since you may find discounted offers on coffins from different retail shops.

Another way to save money involves a quick price comparison over the phone. You may call at least three funeral service providers near you and ask for their comprehensive rates. By law, companies are required to disclose this type of information to the public upon request. This lets you compare prices without having to pay a visit to the funeral home.

Whether or not you choose to be cremated, you should consider a pre-planned funeral service. This relieves you from thinking about how your family members would pay for your funeral or burial expenses. You can leave them with fewer things to worry about; they can focus on grieving and celebrating your wonderful life in this world. When choosing a funeral service provider in Utah, consider one that has several locations in the state.

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