Man proposing in the street

Make No Mistake: 3 Biggest Proposal Blunders You Shouldn’t Do

Millions of proposal videos and countless pieces of advice on how to pop the question circulate online, but many people still make mistakes when committing to this notable milestone in their lives. In some instances, the blunders can be laughed off. In other cases, the result is rather tragic: someone walking away while the other is in tears.

It is, therefore, important not just to plan what to do, but also to know what to avoid. Here are some proposal blunders that can’t be laughed off and you should not do:

1. Asking without a ring

Yes, it happens: men proposing empty-handed. Across many surveys, this is one of many women’s biggest disappointments. Some feel that a proposal isn’t really a legit one if they don’t have the sparkly thing on their finger. In a way, the ring seals the deal. Others, on the other hand, think that not having a ring reflects lack of preparation on the part of their partner — whether that be in the aspect of finances or in the intentional effort to know the woman’s taste and preferences.

While some people would dismiss this as women being overly materialistic, you can never change the fact that a ring symbolizes so many things. It represents commitment, readiness, and devotion. So, before getting on your knees, meet some jewelers in Utah or any reputable shop in other locations. AAA Jewelers notes that most shops have a wide range of ring styles that suit any budget and preference. You don’t have any excuse to come empty-handed on your proposal.

2. Disclosing the plan

Happy man talking on the phoneAlthough men are usually not the one to talk, some mistakenly spill the beans. It’s a ruined proposal moment when your partner isn’t surprised anymore. So, as much as you can, keep the plan to yourself. If you would be involving some people in your public proposal, make sure these friends can be trusted in keeping a secret. If not, then holding off some information from them will be better.

Whatever you do, you need to protect the secret game plan at all costs. Be careful in sending updates to your secret group chat or the picture of the ring to your partner’s mom.

3. Not waiting for the right moment

Sometimes, because of the pressure of the preparations, the proposal speech, the partner’s response, and whatnot, men tend to feel the urge to get everything done in a snap. So, at a restaurant, feeling the ring burning a hole in their pockets, they propose even before the main course arrives. It’s a happy moment, but then there’s also the fact that you have a lot of food on your table arriving that will go untouched, most probably.

As much as your knees are shaking and your palms are sweating, waiting for the right moment is important. At least wait until the dessert comes. You both will have a stomach full by then, and hearts full of happiness when you get down on your knees and get a sweet “Yes.”

Other than knowing what to do in your proposal, it also pays to be familiar with the things you should not do. Avoid these mistakes at all costs to ensure a memorable wedding proposal.

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