How to Nail the Perfect Engagement Ring Selfie

Congratulations on your engagement! You’re probably itching to take a selfie of that gorgeous engagement ring your fiancé got from one of the most well-known jewellery shops in Hatton Garden no less. However, you might also be thinking that taking that mandatory engagement ring selfie or ringfie is so last year and expected, right? No. That is if you know how to snap a ringfie that will garner you tons of hearts and likes. Here’s how:

Get Yourself a Manicure

Neutral and soft pastel nails are excellent choices, but you can always go with a bolder colour—just refrain from bedazzling your nails so as not to take the focus away from your ring. Moisturise or put some oil on your hand prior to snapping the pic to make your hand look dewy and soft.

Experiment with Different Angles

If you find that your hand doesn’t look flattering with the usual head-on angle, shift it from side to side and take snaps from different angles. Just make sure that your angle flatters the features of your ring so that it won’t look flat.

Light It Right

The right light can easily bring your engagement ring’s bling to the next level. Doing it outdoors is always better because you get even lighting. You can also stand near the window if you’re indoors. Don’t blend outdoor and indoor lighting since this might cast a yellow tinge to your photo.

Pose Away

Engaged Couple

The key to getting the perfect hand pose is to make sure your fingers are relaxed. Rest your hand against a prop or your chin and slightly tilt it to mask the pores or hair in your hands—if you want to, that is. You can also get your fiancé in on the action by having him pose on bended knees, holding his hand, or resting your hand on his arm, etc.

Get the Right Background

With an engagement ringfie, the simpler the better. The background should not distract the eye from your sparkler. A dark background is better since it will highlight your ring better than a light background.

Don’t Zoom, Focus

While your phone might have auto-focus, don’t solely depend on it. Remember to tap on your engagement ring to ensure that the focus is spot on. Don’t zoom as this will pixelate your photo. Simply bring your hand closer to your phone, or vice versa, for a physical zoom.

Select the Perfect Shot and then Edit

Resist the urge to spam your social media feed with tons of ringfies to avoid coming off as obnoxious. People get it—you’re happy. However, one perfect shot is all you really need. Don’t do collages either. Once you’ve decided on the best pic, edit before posting. There are various editing apps—VSCO Cam, Adobe Lightroom, and Photoshop Express to name a few—that you can choose from to make sure that your photo is as flawless as can be.

Whatever you decide to do, remember to keep it fun and totally “you.” It’s just a ring selfie anyway. What’s important is that you’ve already got the ring, and most importantly, you’ve already got the guy.

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