creative living room

DIY Home Decor: 3 Ideas to Ignite Your Creativity

Why do people renovate houses? Is it because they get bored with the space? Well, this is a factor, but renovation is much more than that. You spend most of your time in your house and create fond memories in that tiny haven. The way you design it shapes your mindset. That’s how you’re going to remember the moments that pass by.

You might have outgrown the space that suited you in college. As you grow older and gain a more practical approach towards life, your housing preferences change. Sometimes, it all begins with moving a sofa to create office space, and you end up renovating your living room yourself or with professional help.

In any case, renovating a building or property doesn’t always mean breaking and fixing stuff. Sometimes, moving a few pieces around and adding new tones can give you a new space to dwell in. If you don’t have the budget for a full-blown makeover, you can create a few pieces yourself to create a feeling of newness. Even if you break a few walls, install hardwood flooring, or change the windows, you can still add these pieces to bring life into your house.

Here are some brilliant DIY home decor pieces that you’ll love.

1. Decorative Pillow Covers

Colorful pillows on the sofa in your living room pop up the vibe of your house. Doesn’t it feel great when someone compliments your look after entering the house? Now, you won’t have to tell them where you got it from. You can boast about your creative side by telling them that you’ve made it yourself. It’s easier than you think.

Take a white pillow and the steam of a dandelion, preferably with flowers on it. Although you can take any flower that you want, dandelions are just too pretty to avoid. Set them aside to dry. When they’ve become hard, spray them with the color of your choice.

Dry the excess and stamp them on your pillow. It will leave a beautiful imprint of the flower on the pillow. Do this on the border, and you’ll be left with a beautiful pillow that seems to come out of a princess’ story.

You can leave the center blank or paint it with whatever you like, for instance, your initials on each pillow. You’ll have a customized drawing-room look for yourself.

2. Braided Fabric Rug

A rug doesn’t really catch much attention. The only time someone notices it is when it’s washed after months of being in a single place. But when you DIY, you can make anything noticeable and interesting. This braided fabric rug is easy and fun to create.

Choose three fabric pieces of your choice. They can be similar or different. Begin with three cloth stripes. Put them on top of each other and sew on the edges.

Place a tape to fix them with pins. The purpose is to make them stay in one place. Now you can begin braiding these pieces as you would with your hair when you went to school. When you reach the end, tape them again, leaving a small trail. Join a new round of pieces to it and continue braiding. You must keep going until you have a long enough trial to make a rug.

Now, the final step is sewing. Tug about an inch of the trail beneath and sew it. Let your sewing machine roll while you rotate your trail to make a circle. You’ll be amused at how fast it starts taking shape.

There you have it. Your handmade rug is now ready. It’s sustainable as it’s made from scraps.

3. Stools From Old Tires

Stools are costly enough already, and choosing one that fits your vibe can be a hefty task. If you set your mind to it, you can have a brand-new stool for yourself without having to roam the halls of IKEA. You need to take your toolbox out for this one.

Take a spare tire and two big pieces of wood. You need to measure the radius of your tire and cut out a circle that fits it. As you fix it with pins and drilling machines, half of the job is already done.

Take a cloth of your choice but don’t choose a soft one. And wrap it around the tire so that it will be nice and smooth. Your seat is ready.

Now, you have a brand-new stool for yourself. You don’t need to credit IKEA for this.

You build your home with elements of your personality. Every house tells a story, and yours will be how you’ve worked hard and had fun while creating these pieces yourself. Your creativity and the spirit of innovation set you apart from the crowd. With these DIY pieces, your home will always be as unique as you.

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