home improvement

Designing a Home That Can Withstand the Forces of Nature

The purpose of a house is to provide shelter for you and your family. You will derive great excitement, even during the planning stage. That is an integral part of the building process. It is where much of the calculations and estimates are done to ensure that your home is up to code and meets safety standards. After all, nature has its way of making its presence felt. Every year you will hear news of hurricanes, earthquakes, and other phenomena. The combination of careful planning, sound design, and using quality materials for construction will make your eventual home resilient against the forces of nature.

The Elements

Though your house may appear like a monolith that can absorb extreme impact, it does wear itself out over time. That is not surprising, as it is constantly battling the elements of nature. Temperatures can change wildly, and it can introduce chemical reactions to various parts of the house. Extreme heat can warp wood and steel, and the freezing cold will make them brittle and prone to shattering. Alternating between moisture and dryness will introduce rust to even the thickest of metals.

A Blast of Wind

On a hot day, nothing cools you down better than splashing yourself with water and then stand in front of a blowing fan. That will feel cool to the skin, as evaporated water will take the heat off its surface. That is the type of breeze you can get along with for sure. And then you have the big guns. Typhoons, hurricanes, and tornadoes are some of nature’s formidable forces. They are products of changes in temperatures and pressures on this planet’s surface, and they can be devastating.

One of the ways that your home will be able to withstand the strong winds is through aerodynamics. The shape of your roof can help minimize the impact of the gusts that will hit it. Having sharp angular sides will introduce more drag. Ideally, you want to have slopes, for these will allow the wind to flow over it better rather than bumping a side of your house head-on. For example, a gable features two sloping sides and two angular ones. You need to contact your residential roofing contractors if you need to have that modified so that it will have a total of four slopes.

Beat the Heat

The sun is the star that provides us heat. That is needed for plant and animal life to survive. Otherwise, the world could be a barren land that has been snowed under. But sometimes, the temperatures can get high that it causes discomfort in people. The physical properties of objects are also affected. Steel beams and other materials can expand and lose their original shape. Your house then would need to have components in it that can offset the effects of the heat. Insulators help a lot in shielding much of the house’s interiors whenever the temperature is running high. That can be in the form of a foam that fills the spaces behind walls and ceilings. Not only will that help you and your family feel more comfortable, but it also prevents concrete and wood materials from warping.

Endure the Rain

Some people find it fun to play in the rain. It can be a liberating experience to have a shower outdoors. After that, you cap it off with you enjoying a cup of hot chocolate. That is an ideal scenario if what you have outside is nothing more than a drizzle, but it would be a different story if it were a storm or typhoon. You should be staying indoors during those instances because they bring lightning and strong winds, which are both bad news for you. It is better to sir around inside your house rather than risking yourself getting electrocuted or being hit by a flying object.

The intense rain showers and the wind will be soaking up your house’s exterior, and then it will be drying itself off when the sun comes back up. Repeating this process over and over will speed up oxidation in metallic items. That is why your house should have the highest-grade ones that can sustain its quality for a longer period. You can also couple that with proper maintenance. There are solutions out there that you can apply to metals to either remove rust or provide additional protection.

As for concrete, it can withstand many instances of rainy weather for years. You only have to look out for organisms like mold and moss to build up over time. They can be an eyesore and slipping hazard, too, so you do not want them on your frequently-used walkways. You can remove them and prevent them from coming back by using chemical solutions. You spray them on the area and then scrub them off. That should make your wall or pavement look clean again.

Standing Still After the Tremors

earthquake aftermath

An earthquake is one of the most frightening things you will experience in your life. It is hard to get used to it because you feel helpless seeing stuff around you seemingly being thrown around. Your house should have the foundation and framework to absorb its shocking effects. A base made out of steel and concrete should be able to take a lot of pummeling. You have to reinforce the walls with thick steel as well.

Earthquakes are no joke. Even if your house is built to last, it is always wise to conduct regular inspections and maintenance whenever they happen.

Nature is not a foe, but it can show formidable force when you least expect it to. There is no way to prevent those, and the best tactic that you could do is be prepared. You can make your future house strong enough to withstand the elements by making good design and engineering decisions.

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