
A Beginner’s Guide to Lawn Care

Nothing makes a home look more inviting than a well-kept lawn. Vibrant shrubs and healthy trees won’t just affect your exterior, but also improve the quality of air within your property.
That said, maintaining a beautiful lawn is a lot of hard work. Follow these tips to achieve the lawn of your dreams while saving time, money, and effort.

Test your soil

The key to strong and lush plants is good, fertile soil. Healthy soil has the ability to retain water and release nutrients well. It must contain adequate pH levels, nutrients, and organic matter to be productive and fertile.

A soil test will help you identify which nutrients will help your lawn thrive and how much fertilizer is required to satisfy its needs. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are the three main nutrients in commercial fertilizers. Nitrogen encourages rapid growth, phosphorus triggers root development, while potassium promotes strong stems and resistance to weather and disease.

Testing can be performed anytime as long as the soil isn’t frozen. Different parts of your lawn should be tested separately since nutrient requirements vary for plants in each area. The results will help you choose the right plants to grow and correct existing problems before they escalate.

Select region-appropriate grasses

Just like shrubs and flowers, grasses have varied climate preferences and tolerances for drought. Cool-season grasses like Kentucky bluegrass tend to flourish in cool temperatures specific to northern zones. Bermuda grass and other warm-season grasses, on the other hand, thrive in warmer climates.

Because native grasses adapt easily to local environment, they require less water and maintenance which can save you time and money. They’re also more resistant to disease, drought, and pests than other plants. Most native grasses are also able to thrive without the need of pesticides.

GardeningTrim regularly

Overgrown lawns are breeding grounds for pests. Tall grass and weeds won’t only ruin the appearance of your lawn, but also attract rodents and bugs which can spread diseases.

Mowing your lawn as often as needed will keep pests at bay. Cutting the grass at the right height allows the healthier roots to thrive while the weaker ones get left behind. This will improve overall growth and allow better absorption and distribution of water and sunlight.

Consistent grass growth is essential to maintaining a lush and attractive lawn. Hiring professional residential mowers can make the task easier and less time-consuming. They can also use the right techniques based on your lawn’s size and your landscaping goals.

Get rid of invasive weeds

Weeds compete with grasses for nutrients, water and light. Digging them out can disturb the soil and affect its health. One way to eliminate them safely is to use a narrow blade to cut through their roots. This will sever their feed source and prevent them from growing.

When planting a new grass seed, avoid using pre-emergent weed controls and crabgrass preventers. While these products can prevent weed seeds from germinating, they may disrupt the growth of grass and ruin your lawn.

A lush and gorgeous lawn only occurs through patience and dedication. Take on one task at a time and keep educating yourself on best practices. The right strategies will ensure a healthy lawn no matter the season.

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