
Growing Great Gardens: A Guide to Garden Maintenance

A homeowner’s greatest pride is their house. You’re bound to make numerous home upgrades and remodels during your home’s life. If you plan it right, you’ll end up with a home that is not only pleasing to view but also comfortable to live in.

Your curb appeal is also something that you should consider if you want to present your home at its best. The best way to increase your home’s curb appeal is through landscaping. Most homeowners begin by growing your garden.

If you’re a beginner gardener, raising your plants by yourself can feel overwhelming. However, if you keep these gardening pointers in mind, you’re sure to make your garden thrive no matter the weather.

Prune Regularly

Dead branches and wilted stems are an inevitable part of a plant’s lifetime. However, your plants will continue supplying damaged parts with energy as long as it is attached to the main body. It will hinder your plant’s growth and make your landscape look unpleasant.

Pruning your plants frequently will not only help you avoid that problem but also provide a lot more benefits. It can make your plants look healthier and grow better. Flowering plants can have more blooms, and fruit trees will bear more fruit.

There is a specific time where pruning will be the most beneficial. However, don’t worry if you prune early or late, as it poses no risk to your plants. It will only lead to sparser fruits and blooms in most cases.

Keep Pests Away

Inspect your plants every day for any signs of pests—they can quickly multiply if neglected. They harm your plants by hindering its growth, and in worst cases, they cause plant death. Here are a few signs that you have pests in your garden.

Some pests feed on the soft parts of your plants, particularly new leaves and branches. If your plants have yellow patches, check under their leaves for aphids. Meanwhile, leaves with multiple small brown spots can mean a spider mite infestation.

It’s easy to get rid of most pests using homemade solutions. However, you might not be thorough when it comes to getting rid of your pests. If you think your pest problems are getting out of hand, consider calling an exterminator from North Attleboro for your garden.


Pay Attention to Your Soil

Not all lawns have the best soil for planting. Fortunately, you can make most soils suitable for planting with the help of organic fertilizers. These will help your land develop the minerals your plants need to grow, such as nitrogen and phosphate.

You can also use manure as your organic fertilizer. However, make sure that it is aged for six months so that it won’t be toxic for your plants. Also, avoid using your pet’s feces as manure, as it can contain foreign elements like parasites.

Know the Right Time to Plant

Certain flowers have distinct flowering periods. Other plants can only bear fruit under specific temperatures. Research about your plant’s weather requirements so that you can time their blooming season right.

Maintaining your garden landscape doesn’t require having green thumbs. However, it’s not a walk in the park. If you follow these pointers and care for your plants daily, you can have a healthy and fruitful garden.

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