Woman with fair skin tone

Want Fairer and More Even Skin Tone? Try This Body Scrub

The skin is the largest organ of our body, and yet we often neglect it and take it for granted. Most days, we get overexposed under the sun and bare it in extreme temperatures without moisturizing or using sunscreen. We also fail to clean it by exfoliating the dead skin cells that build up, leading to dullness, roughness and dark spots.

The Importance of Exfoliation

The skin is our biggest line of defense against infections, injuries, extreme weather changes and dehydration. Our skin cells play a crucial role in the overall skin’s appearance, texture, color and quality. The skin cells are constantly shedding and changing. With the right kind of skincare, you can keep your skin looking young, smooth and flawless.

You should take care of your skin by using the right exfoliant. The right exfoliator contains healthy ingredients, such as Dead Sea salts, oils, honey, kiwi, peach, lemongrass and other important ingredients to keep your skin clean, soft, moisturized and well exfoliated. Also, you have to remember to stay away from scrubs and exfoliators that have harsh chemicals, perfumes, parabens and dyes.

Kedma Exfoliating Experience

I have some dark patches and blotchy skin, which I have been wanting to get rid of, so I searched online for a product that could help me. When I bought the Salt Scrub in Peach & Honey from Kedma Skincare Philippines, I saw that it contains the best organic ingredients. I have always been a stickler for organic products because I want to nourish my skin sans the harmful chemicals and ingredients. It smelled good, too!

To use the product, I pre-soaked with warm water under the shower before applying the salt scrub in my body and scrubbing away in gentle circles. I then rinsed thoroughly with warm water. I used it once or twice a week and was blown away by the results! The skin all over my body felt very smooth and soft to touch. I could also see a “glow” that made me realize my skin was now healthy and devoid of deep-seated dirt and dead skin cells.

After three months of using the scrub consistently, I noticed the dark patches, especially around my elbows, knees, arms and legs, were all gone! The discoloration and blotchy skin was evened out and was replaced by lighter, smoother skin. Now, I am more confident when wearing sleeveless dresses or short skirts.

Skincare Done Easy and Right

Woman putting on a facial collagen mask

Before I found out about this scrub from Kedma, I had used a lot of creams, emollients and scrubs. Most of them were expensive and looked good on paper but didn’t really give any visible effect. When I first tried Kedma, I was advised to start a proper skincare routine, which included cleansing, toning, exfoliating and moisturizing. I thought this was too much, but after seeing the great results from the scrub, I now know that there was a good reason for this regimen.

If you want really healthy, even-looking, soft and smooth skin, then get your hands on this salt scrub. It is very straightforward to use, and the oils and natural ingredients help flush out toxins, improve absorption of nutrients, boost oxygen levels, stop inflammation, and overall improves the skin’s texture, complexion and quality.

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