hanging gardens

Tips on Starting and Nurturing an Indoor Vertical Garden

As spring approaches and you start finding inspiration from garden centers in Minnesota (MN), it is time to plan your very own pocket garden. It is true that living in urban centers can rob you of inspiration, especially if you surrender willingly to everyday routine.

It helps to have something within reach that reminds you of the world and its many natural wonders. Indoor gardening is a good hobby to nurture, and there is one word you’d want to write down, highlight in bold and underline. That word is ‘vertical.’

There is no other way to go but up because vertical gardens are the hottest thing right now.

A functional and beautiful vertical space

Typically, urban living areas are limited in space. If you are used to the wide spaces of the country, then you must do this for yourself — build a pocket garden in your home. Make a space that is both functional and beautiful — a living area that brings you close to nature every day.

If you cannot find enough space for a typical pocket garden, then make one that defies convention. Make a living wall instead.

It might not be possible to dedicate a space for a few pots and patch where you can grow your own herbs and vegetables, but it is always possible to transform an existing wall into something more.

Hanging pots on the balcony wall

balcony plants

You can grow vines and vegetables, raise your own herbs to use for cooking if you can manage to build a trellis and attach it to the balcony wall. Plants need sun and water to grow, but they don’t need that much space. But a few clay pots, fill them with rich soil and start planting seeds of your favorite herbs.

You can start with basil, tarragon, rosemary, parsley, and celery. They don’t need much nurturing for as long as their basic needs are met. Soon enough, a trellis-fun of clay pots would become a fragrant wall of green, soothing, and savory herbs.

A stand-alone wall that also purifies the air

If you want to put up a vertical garden inside your apartment, you can ask about houseplants that grow without much sun. Of course, you’d have to bring them out once or twice a week, but you can enjoy their presence as they adorn a stand-alone wall.

As soon as the plants grow, you will notice an improvement in air quality. You’d breathe easier not only with the oxygen they provide, but also because they filter air impurities, and make the air you breathe and smell sweeter. Aside from improving air quality, your indoor garden, mounted on a stand-alone wall adds charm and color to an otherwise austere living environment.

A vertical garden needs tending, and you’d want to know how to care properly for the plants you will be growing indoors. This is the best time to plan things out and learn what you can.

This is also a good time to look into tricks and tips about watering, fertilizing, and perhaps trellis-building. Embrace vertical gardening fully and add an interesting and inspiring dimension to urban living.

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