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How the Pandemic Shapes the Future of Education

It’s no surprise how the pandemic has disrupted various industries worldwide, and on top of these industries is the education sector. The COVID-19 crisis has led to the shutdown of schools worldwide, with about 1.2 billion children being out of the classrooms.

As educational institutions have been forced to close, teachers and students have resorted to different learning approaches like asking for assistance from a Singapore tuition. As some schools have reopened this year, school administrators have set strict measures in place. The global pandemic brought about by the COVID-19 crisis has indeed changed the education sector forever.

In this article, we’ll share with you how the pandemic currently affects education and how it shapes its future.

1. The rise of remote learning

Despite the school closures due to the pandemic, students can continue to learn remotely. Thanks to today’s robust technology, they can have online classes. In fact, ‘Zoom fatigue’ has become real among students as they have most of their classes via video conferences. Most online classes now are done via Zoom, which can sometimes be tiring and challenging.

In addition, schools have found ways to address ‘Zoom fatigue.’ Instead of having purely online classes, they allow module-based learning. This approach is a particularly helpful option for students with no computer and internet access. Students can continue to learn at home without the need to go to school or attend online classes. Expect this remote learning to be the future setup in education.

2. The use of virtual technology

In challenging times like this pandemic, we can no longer ignore the power of modern technology. The use of desktops and mobile devices and access to the internet allows students to learn at home or in a remote location.

But even before the pandemic, many institutions have been offering higher education through online courses. If you’re looking to get an online Ph.D. in business administration, for instance, you can enroll in virtual classes.

However, this virtual approach has extended to high school and elementary students due to the pandemic restrictions. For this reason, EdTech investors are looking to develop apps and software to help students with e-learning. More and more technologies will be developed to boost education in the future.

3. Increase in flexibility

The pandemic has led the education sector to think outside of the box. Educators have now become more creative than ever. In the past, teachers banked on classroom settings and followed certain standards in teaching. Students had to keep up with this style of learning.

Today, educators are showing more flexibility in teaching. Apart from online classes, they provide students with modules and other forms of self-learning. They are no longer spoon-feeding students; they are merely facilitating learning among them.

As a result, students also become more creative and more flexible themselves. Hence, expect them to use these self-skills and knowledge for their career growth and progress in the future.

4. School and community connections

In the past, parents simply sent their children to school for learning. They relied on the mentors tasked to teach their kids, boost their knowledge, and hone their skills. They would only help their kids with their homework and school projects. However, the pandemic has drastically changed this.

Communication between parents and teachers has become more apparent than ever. Both parties work hand in hand in facilitating learning among children. We’ve now seen collaborations among teachers, parents, and their children. It is safe to say that the pandemic has led to school and community connections.

5. Focus on skills over degrees

The global pandemic has shaken the educational system across the globe. People used to rely on degrees to land a job and establish a career. Today, however, there is more emphasis put on skills and experiences.

Let’s say, for instance, the use of digital marketing in today’s business landscape. This skill isn’t something offered in schools. However, a lot of online courses are readily available for individuals who want to acquire the skills.
The global pandemic has even encouraged people to hone their skills while stuck at home. They don’t necessarily have to enroll in traditional courses. They can simply enroll in online courses or learn the skills on their own through digital resources.

Fostering education is important, even in the midst of a pandemic. However, this global crisis has led both teachers and students to make the necessary adjustments. We’ve seen new and emerging trends in education, such as the rise of remote learning and the use of virtual technology. We’ve also noticed an increase in flexibility, school and community connections, and the focus on skills over degree. All these will help shape the future of education!

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