cattle yards

Primary Components of Livestock Handling Equipment

Farming more so that which involves cattle products has seen a recent boom. Though the profits in this investment are generally guaranteed, you still need to take all steps to maximize what you stand to get.

There are numerous practices — including pregnancy examination, castration, parasite control, vaccination and de horning, among others — that are vital if you are to realize any profits in cattle farming. Although these processes are easy to carry out you will need some restraining equipment to prevent injuries to both you and the animal.

The construction of custom cattle yards around your farm is thus essential. It starts with putting together the primary components which make up your handling facility. These should be installed in a location which has optimal drainage, and unhindered access to motor vehicles and pastures.

The following are primary elements that make up cattle handling facilities.

Holding Pens

These allow the quick handling of your cattle as they are sorted and held before moving to the crowd pen. Holding pens will also prevent the blending of untreated cattle with the main herd. They are designed to accommodate the maximum number of animals which can be worked on at the same time.

Your holding pen should be accessible to the working alley, head gate, and crowding pens in your farm. You should also install feeding, shade and water facilities in the pens for the weaning of sick animals when undergoing treatment.

Crowding Pens

These are confining areas that will funnel your cattle into the loading or working chute. The crowding pen in your holding facility can also serve as your spray pen. Some of the ideal features of an optimally working crowding pen are a solid crowding gate, a funnel or circular shape, an uneven concrete floor, and completely enclosed sides.

The concrete floor will provide a surface which will remain operational in all weather conditions while the solid sides will leave the working chute as your cattle’s only visible escape route.

Working Chute

cattle yard

This serves to align your cattle into one file for their treatment. The working chute starts from your crowding pen to the head gate. It should have fully enclosed sides, an uneven concrete floor, and a gate. Moreover, an effective working chute is bent or curved and measures no less than 20 feet long.

The curve is designed to avert the natural backing up of your animals when they see a squeeze chute. Sloping chute sides are also advisable so that the cattle’s legs are confined to narrow paths and they do not turn around.

Holding Chute

This is found at the end of your working chute and will hold animals securely during their treatment. Stanchion, guillotine and self-catching head gates are the most common types used for holding chutes. Although the operation of self-catching and stanchion gates is easy, they are not used for horned cattle as they can cause shoulder bruises.

The components mentioned above might seem easy to construct using the materials on your farm. If, however, you are looking for well-constructed and durable components, this is not an alternative. You should get a reputable supplier for the best handling equipment from and guarantee their optimal operation for your farm.

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