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Mental Health Awareness: What Are the Most Serious Mental Disorders?

Mental disorders present risk factors for people who are suffering from them. When you look at the mortality rates of these conditions, they are ranked rather high among any illnesses. Unfortunately, people are yet to be aware of the seriousness of mental related conditions. As a result, the number of those who are in agony because of psychiatric disorder is alarmingly growing.

That’s why it’s important to gain a better understanding of these conditions. To do that, it’s best to make yourself be aware of these disorders. To start off, here are the most common mental illnesses you should be wary of.

Eating Disorders

The first on the list is eating disorders. This condition is characterized by having irregular eating habits and distorted body image. People who have it are most concerned about their body weight and shape. This would lead them to go to an extreme dietary regimen or eating routine.

Eating disorders can be categorized into different types, namely,

  • Anorexia Nervosa
  • Bulimia Nervosa
  • Binge Eating Disorder
  • Rumination Disorder

Eating disorders increase the risk of both physical and mental conditions. Therefore, it’s ideal that patients under this disorder seek treatment programs for them. Whether it’d be anorexia nervosa or bulimia or whatever type it is, it’s best to be treated immediately.

Substance Use Disorder

Most commonly known as drug addiction is another life-threatening mental condition. This disease affects a person’s brain to using drugs or medication. Addiction to alcohol, marijuana, and nicotine are some conditions that fall under this category. Too much of these substances can lead to the deterioration of the patient’s body.

They often experience withdrawal syndrome, however, making it even harder to battle. For people under this condition, it’s necessary that they undergo regular therapy sessions. This is to avoid relapse or the recurrence of the patient from his/her past condition.

Mood Disorders

Mood disorders, also known as affective disorders, is characterized by manic or depressive episodes or can also be a combination of the two. Those who have it can’t function normally because of the way their mood changes in an instant. Some of the most common types of mood disorders are depression, bipolar and cyclothymic disorder.

The best way to get it treated is to see a psychiatrist specializing in this area. During treatment, patients will undergo regular psychotherapy sessions. Along with that, they’ll be prescribed with antidepressant medication.

Psychotic Disorders

woman consulting a psychiatrist

This is another type of mental disorder characterized by abnormal thinking and perceptions. People who are psychotic are known to lose touch with reality. Delusions and hallucinations are the most common symptoms one can experience. A number of factors can trigger it such as alcohol, drugs, brain injuries, and those related activities. Schizophrenia, paraphrenia, and delusional disorder are just some illnesses under this condition.

Luckily, the treatment of psychotic disorders is possible. It is often a combination of psychotherapy sessions and medication. It is important to note that these treatments must be done regularly to maintain the normal brain function of the patient.

May this information help widen your understanding of mental health. Use this as a guide to provide better support and understanding to those who have it. This way you can make a more informed decision on how to deal and save them.

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