woman with her hair in the air

Healthy (Hair) Tips

The hair is one of our most prominent and visible physical features. Graying, frizzy, unkempt, or lackluster hair would lead other people to believe that we’re either unhealthy or going through life or professional problems that we can’t even take care of ourselves. And this could make an impact on our social and professional life. Not only that, but poor hair care and hygiene can lead to complications and issues such as itching, bad hair and scalp odor, hair loss, dandruff, lice and even ringworm. As such, there’s no wonder why there so many salons, hair products, and treatments available in the market. Today, we’ll be taking a look at tips and ways for you to keep your hair healthy:

There’s A Thing as Too Much Moisture

It’s essential for you to get your hair wet less often, and never wash more than you have to. If it doesn’t smell or warrant washing, skipping a day can be good for your hair. You see, once water permeates into your hair, it starts to swell and cuticle up resulting in breakage and frizzy hair. Instead of washing, you can use dry shampoo or hair oil instead to keep it fragrant and remove any excess grease, sweat, or even dust.

Master the Shampoo and Conditioner

If you’re not savvy with hair care, there’s a chance that you’ve been using shampoo and conditioner wrong. When using shampoo, you’d have to focus on washing your scalp, and the roots of your hair as shampoo can make your hair dry when removing oil from your hair as it cleans. After shampooing, dry your hair then apply and work your hair with a conditioner, focusing on the length and ends of your hair instead of the roots. Experts advise not to over-shampoo your hair as it will make it dry and lackluster, or even damage your hair — some would recommend doing it only once or twice a week, depending on your hair’s thickness and texture.

Cotton Is Your Friend

woman drying damp hair with towel

Using traditional towels can harm your hair; the roughness and dryness of a traditional terry towel may cause damage and end up worsening split ends. As such, it’s better to use one of your old cotton shirts when drying your hair as they don’t rough up the cuticle too much.

Don’t Share or Borrow Combs

Make it — your comb and brushes — personal. Avoid letting other people borrow your hair comb or brush, and you should also avoid borrowing from others. Ringworm and lice can spread through contact with infected hair (or fur). Likewise, you should avoid sharing or borrowing hair accessories or hats with other people to avoid being infected.

Keratin Products

There are many high-quality professional keratin treatment products available in the market. But what is keratin, and how do these products help keep your hair beautiful and healthy? First off, keratin is a natural protein that makes up your hair and nails. This protein protects and strengthens your hair and nails from damage and stress. Keratin treatment uses keratin proteins to help restore smooth and shine your hair, and restore dry, frizzy, and damaged hair.


As much as we take care of our skin through proper hygiene and skincare products and routines, we should also not take our hair for granted. Our hair can be a reflection of our physical and personal health, and it’s a good idea to keep it healthy by following these simple tips on hair care.

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