woman smiling

Five Daily Secrets to Attain a Cheryl Cole Camera-ready, Highly Infectious Smile

Ah, that Cheryl Cole smile! One look at the X Factor UK judge, and you are simply won over—mesmerized just like that. And who wouldn’t? Even the great Simon Cowell, the music mogul who has built to fame such worldwide sensations as One Direction and Westlife, has spoken highly of his fellow judge, calling her “one of the most beautiful women” in the world. Furthermore, the Syco boss elaborated that everyone on set became “madly in love” with the “Crazy Stupid Love” singer.

So the question in anyone’s mind may well be: How will they get such a highly infectious Cheryl Cole smile? You may think it’s just pie in the sky. It’s true. Anything worth having needs pursuing. Truth be told, you may not be able to fully imitate the smile of the famous British singer-cum-X-Factor judge. But your pursuit will certainly bring your smile about so that it shines for everyone. Below are five easy steps to get you started:

1. Flaunt those pearly white teeth.

Remember the time when you were so in a hurry for school that you forgot to brush your teeth? Chances are that you kept it to yourself until classes ended that day. You might even have avoided talking to your best friends.

It’s just normal. If we’re not too confident about how our teeth look, we shun opening up to people. The key, therefore, is doing some needed behind-the-scenes prepping. That can go a long way to carrying a camera-ready smile.

For starters, brush your teeth regularly. That should be a given. Without consistent proper care, the teeth can go downhill pretty fast.

If your enamel white teeth have yellowed with age, a visit to the doctor should be in order. Then again, if your teeth problems are far messier, going to an orthodontist would be a wise idea. Better trained than ordinary dentists, orthodontists can give you braces to help hasten your journey toward a straighter smile.

The good news is that baby boomers in America are the first generation whose majority could keep their natural teeth in a lifetime. Still, there’s a lot of work to do. Many adult Americans are plagued by common teeth issues such as tooth decay.

2. Check your posture.

Certainly, you can’t give what you don’t have. If you want to emit confidence for the people around you, getting your posture in line should be a great start. A slouchy posture will give you slouchy results.

Instead, keep your head high and stand up straight. Remember not to put your head bent forward too much. If you’re not comfortable about how you look, check in the mirror. You don’t have to act like a vindictive queen in the Cinderella tale asking the mirror who’s the fairest of them all to know how your posture fares.

3. Don a great attitude.

Indeed, what you feel inside is bound to show up on how you appear to the world. But what if you’re not feeling all too well? And you don’t want to smile, either. Well, science has a short answer for you: smile anyway.

Fake it to the point that you’ll have it. Psychoneuroimmunology experts point out that your smile can actually trigger your brain to think that something humorous is happening. That can only mean that the more you smile, the better your whole body gets.


4. Make your lipstick stick, ladies.

Yes, take caution in choosing the right shade. A rule of thumb: put on one that matches your skin tone. Why? Simply because when you have the right lipstick shade, it makes your teeth look whiter.

For this reason, shades that include rosy pink, plum, and berry may well be your best bet. Yellow stains found on your teeth can be better concealed with pink-based or blue-based undertones. In this regard, steering away from strong colors such as heavy red can be wise.

5. Practice makes perfect.

You might consider it ridiculous to practice a smile in front of a mirror. Know that a lot of legendary personalities went to great lengths to arrive at a jaw-dropping, awe-inspiring performance. Mozart, by age six, had to spend 3,500 hours of his young life practicing music. Anthony Hopkins put his script to heart by reading it 200 times to get his act together.

So go on, get to it. Hold those shoulders back with pride. It certainly takes time to learn to have a captivating picture-perfect smile. But your persistence and a little patience should go a long way. And the next time you’ll appear at a ball, perform before an audience, or mix with a crowd, take heart. That day should be like a curtain call for you.

It’s inevitable. Pretty soon, everyone will realize how wonderful it is to have you around, enamored by your photogenic smile. All because you’ve chosen to keep an eye only on the planet’s best: Cheryl Cole.

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