Family Solicitor

Family solicitors supporting and guiding you through difficult times

Impartial support

When in the midst of a relationship breakdown, the emotional rollercoaster that you jump on board can be extremely difficult and having impartial support can make all the difference. Having the clear-headed advice from family solicitors Portsmouth can be particularly essential when it comes to cases where children are involved. Understanding that your own judgement may be clouded by anger, frustration, despair or a variety of other feelings is a huge step when dealing with tough family situations and that is why putting your trust in a professional solicitor is essential.

Professional support and guidance

When needing help with legal matters, the support is often considered to be clear-cut and decisive, but when it comes to family law it is not that simple. Whilst the legal team will always remain professional it is also understood that this will be one of the more difficult times in your personal life and therefore having a softer approach may be needed. This does not mean that you go out for drinks and become best friends, but it does mean that your team will be approachable and offer friendly advice. The solicitor is there to represent your requirements and to ensure that the most suitable results are gained.

Choosing the right solicitor for you


Not only do you need to locate a solicitor who works within the right section of the law (a criminal defence solicitor will be of no use in a family court), but it is important to learn whether they are the right fit personality wise. They need to be friendly and approachable, but hard working on the case and have relevant expertise to guide you. Discovering whether the solicitor or legal team is suited to you can often be unveiled during the no-obligation phone consultation which many solicitors offer. This conversation can not only provide an element of free legal advice and support, but enables the solicitor to establish the aims of the individual.

The family solicitor needs to become a member of the team and therefore if communication cannot be open, they may not be the support system for you.

What are the tasks of a family solicitor?

When dealing with a case of separation, the aim of the solicitor is to create a solution that is agreeable to all parties involved. Whilst this is hoped to be achieved in the smallest amount of time, in some cases this can take a while.

As with all sensitive and emotional times, when going through this difficult part of life, a certain degree of finesse is required and therefore the solicitor will act professionally, remain level-headed, but be sensitive to those involved, whilst ensuring that each member agrees to an amicable solution. When children are involved, their needs will therefore always be placed ahead of the rest.

Not just separations

When family law is mentioned the first thoughts often form on ideas of separation, divorce and what happens to the family, but it is much broader than that. Family law covers arrangements before marriage, such as pre-nuptials, cohabitation, unmarried or civil partnerships, as well as cross-border related relationship problems.

Each case taken on board is approached in a sensitive manner and the understanding of privacy; efficiency and cost-effective solutions are used whilst guiding you.

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