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4 Practical Ways to Ensure the Security of Your Home When Away on a Trip

The feeling of coming home after a memorable vacation only to find that your house has been broken into is shattering. The feeling is even worse if the burglars have made away with important documents that may be difficult to replace. Depending on the nature of the burglary, you may find it difficult to continue living in your own house.

1. Doors and Windows

These are common routes that burglars use to gain access to your house. Thus, it is essential to maintain them in the right condition. There are companies in Salt Lake City that offer replacement services for windows and doors to interested homeowners. All your home’s windows and doors ought to be well fastened to provide sufficient resistance to burglars. Doors with weakened hinges may be easy to break down. Apart from the condition of your windows and doors, it is also important to ensure that your interior doors leading to other rooms are always locked whenever you are away from home. It should be difficult for burglars to gain access to your personal items. The task of breaking your home’s windows and additional doors inside may prove to be difficult enough for them to leave on their own.

2. Anti-burglar Walls and Paint

The walls of your house may provide an additional security layer to your home. Anti-burglar walls are characterized by extremely slippery surfaces, which make it difficult for burglars to climb through them. One way of making your house walls burglar-proof is by fitting them with tiles. Tiles generate low friction levels, which are insufficient for a burglar to hold onto. Another alternative may be by painting your walls with anti-burglar paint.

3. Security Cameras

Person installing a security cameraSecurity cameras provide security in two effective ways. One way is by repulsing burglars since they are aware that an attempt to breach a house will be caught on tape. That can mean that they risk being identified, prosecuted, and sentenced to jail. For burglars that are still willing to take their chances, security cameras provide an efficient way of recording the burglary. It benefits both the homeowner and the investigating police. To a homeowner, it provides the much-needed proof that the insurance company may require to cover the stolen items and any other property that has suffered damage in the process. On the other hand, the investigating officers have solid evidence on which they can build their case.

4. The Neighbor Factor

Neighbors make a vital contribution to the security of your home. Whenever you plan to be away for more than a few days, it may be crucial to inform your neighbors about your intended absence. You may request your neighbor to keep watch over your home. In the event of a burglary, the neighbor may be unable to stop the burglary from taking place but can contact the police.

It is likely that taking precautionary measures, such as installing a CCTV security system, may increase your house maintenance costs. However, the cost will likely be far less than the value of the personal valuables such as jewelry in your home.

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