summer concept

There’s No Place Like Home: Preparing Your House for the Summer

After a long day, there’s no other place we want to be than home. A lot of us consider our homes as our sanctuary and resting place. Granted, we want to keep it from deteriorating, especially since we’re hesitant to spend a significant amount on restoration and repairs. We also consider our homes as our biggest investment so maintaining it is a must.

For some, maintaining a home is somehow an intimidating task. However, it doesn’t have to be tiring and overwhelming as long as you follow some fundamental guidelines.

Our houses are directly affected by factors like season and time. By keeping the seasons in mind, you will find it easier to design a good plan for maintaining your home. In this article, we will focus on some tips regarding how you can keep your home protected and ready for the heat of the summer.

The Scorching Summer

Summer is the season of enjoying the warm sun rays on gorgeous beaches and exotic islands. However, it is inevitable for some to do chores and finish up important matters in their living area. Before planning a weeklong trip with your family, make sure to leave your house tidy and in good condition.

Your Yard

If you have a garden in your property, make sure you and your mower are in sync. Give your garden a well-deserved makeover. Remember not to cut the grass too short as exposed soil can make your garden wither. Never forget to water your plants. In addition, spend a little by buying some new liquid paint, and give your fence, facade, and porch a fresh look. Summer is the best time for repainting.

Inside Your Home

proper ventilation

Double-check your ventilation system. Make sure that all your fans are well-maintained by keeping the fan motors clean. Clean fans generate cooler air. In case you’re a ceiling fan person, turn your settings counterclockwise. By doing so, it pushes the air downward, producing nice cool air.

In addition, air-conditioning units are the most used home appliance during the summer. It is important to keep in mind that your AC filters need to be professionally cleaned at least once a month. This will prevent summer-related health issues like colds and allergies.

It’s not only your home equipment that you should be aware of. You should know that ants, carpenter bees, cockroaches, mice, and termites also tend to hang out in your house. In fact, they are the main causes of deterioration in many homes.

Some infestations demand the professional assistance of exterminators in Attleboro, MA. Accordingly, termites are found to be the leading pest that destroys nearly 600,000 homes each year.

According to an article released by The New York Times, a single visit from an exterminator company can cost you around $300 to $550. But, it’s way cheaper than having to restore your lifetime investment, isn’t it? Do not be afraid to spend on matters like maintaining your home because forgoing maintenance can lead to more costly and unnecessary expenses. Besides, prevention is always better than cure.

Investing time and effort in maintaining your home is somehow tiring, but it’s definitely worth the sweat.

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