Scattered paper bills

The Millionaire Mindset: Saving Time by Offloading

The more successful you are, the more you realize that you can only do so much in a day. You can’t buy extra hours no matter how rich you get. This means you’ll need to work smart and prioritize tasks that no one else but you can do.

For everything else, be smart enough to delegate.

Mowing, Painting, and Other Maintenance Tasks

You can have an investors’ meeting at the same time it takes to mow the lawn or clean the windows. It would be exciting and humbling to see an essential figure in the company doing those tasks, but if you’re losing touch with your investors to do so, that will not be good for business. It’s best to leave the mowing to commercial mowers in Grande Prairie, who know how to do it properly. You know how to best communicate with your investors, so that’s where you should focus.

Scheduling Meetings

calendar on yellow background

You have a plate full of tasks, meetings, and people to see. It’s vital that you keep a calendar. However, sometimes it’s more efficient for you to keep moving throughout your day and trust that someone else is scheduling events as needed. While in a meeting, for instance, and someone talks about another discussion next Tuesday, you might not remember to invite everyone to the follow-up meeting. That’s for your assistant to do, as their attention is more focused on things like this while you’re more focused on the business side of operations.

Computing Taxes

Let’s admit it: it takes so much brainpower to do taxes. A company deals with company taxes, leases, and employee taxes. There’s also your tax. Dealing will all of them will leave room for little else, and soon, you will not need to do business taxes because the company has folded. Again, it’s better to offload the task to someone who deals with taxes on the daily and who knows the ins and outs of taxation law so that the company will not get in trouble with the IRS.

Handling Disputes

Employees would want you to be involved in handling disputes, and you should be–but not as the head of the committee. That’s what your HR is for, and these are people who deal with employee concerns as part of their job. Your proactive involvement will be appreciated, but in most cases, you will not understand the extent of the issue, especially if it involves employees whom you have not had direct communication with. Your opinion on the case will be based on pure speculation or gossip, or perhaps even personal bias, and this will not resolve the dispute objectively. You can, of course, lean on the dispute committee to take the matter seriously, but that’s as much involvement you can have without skewing the results of the case.

You might be successful, but you’re still human. You need to rest and spend time with your family too. Don’t micromanage and learn to let go of tasks that other people can do better than you.

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