trees in the city

Signs that Show the Health of Your Trees

It is common for homeowners to conduct some background research when they intend to plant trees in their property. Homeowners take into consideration the tree characteristics, type of soil in their home, and proper way to plant the trees. Even with the right selection of trees, it is not a guarantee that the tree will thrive. Trees in Lehi require proper tree care services throughout their life for continued growth. Tree care experts in Lehi offer services that seek to ensure that the tree remains healthy. But how do you know that your trees are healthy? Here’s how:

Check Out for any Sign of Disease

Pests, both crawling and flying insects, can cause diseases on trees. Some of the signs to check for tree disease include visible insects, distortion of the leaves, holes on the tree bark, oozing sap, and irregular growth. Before you conclude that the tree disease is associated with pests and diseases, first check your tree care maintenance routine. If the maintenance practices are right, then the cause of the tree disease is a pest.

Look at the Leaves

The leaf appearance is a key indicator of the health of a tree. The leaves of a tree should contain the right color, shape, and be of the right size, depending on the season. Evergreen trees should have green leaves all-year-round. Deciduous trees have green leaves during the summer and spring seasons. The leaf color changes to red, yellow, or orange during the fall season. Leaf discoloration is a sure sign of deficiency in water or nutrients.

The Trunk Health

Except for a few trees, a tree’s bark should not peel or loosen up. Also, the tree should not have any moss or any type of fungi. Any damage to the trunk of a tree, for instance, through the use of garden equipment, creates an opening on the trunk, which exposes the tree to pests. Any holes or cracks on the tree’s trunk should be covered with a tree guard to protect the tree.

Yearly Growth

Healthy trees should grow by the day, and the growth should be visible on the branches and trunk. Mostly, the growth of a tree is analyzed on a yearly basis. To asses yearly growth, one should check the distance between the new buds and the last year’s buds. The trunk of a tree should increase in the thickness if it is healthy. Growth, no matter how small, is an indication of a healthy tree.

Check the Central Leader

The proper way to prune a tree should be in a manner that the tree has a single central leader. The central leader refers to the stem that is vertical to the trunk. The central leader adds stability and strength to the tree. Also, the central leader is key to the upright appearance of the tree. A robust central leader is an indicator of a healthy tree.

Trees are a great investment to any property, residential, or commercial. However, these trees require regular care and maintenance to ensure that they are healthy. Tree care and maintenance practices range from pruning, eliminating dead branches, and fertilization. These care practices are applicable to different stages of tree growth.  Tree care experts in Lehi provide tree services that ensure the trees stay healthy, and the property owner reaps the benefits of having trees in the property.

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