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Real Talk: Why Exactly Do Millennials Leave Their Jobs?

The most popular misconception about millennial employees is that they don’t have loyalty. As soon as they see the greener grass on the other side, they’ll jump into it, going after the fatter paycheck and cool benefits. But the truth is, job-hopping for millennials isn’t so much about loyalty. It’s just a simple case of going around, looking for the right company that values what they value. If you want to retain your millennial workers, it’s essential to know what stimulates them and keeps them engaged. That said, you should be able to address these common issues that are red flags for millennials:

Leadership without a heart

Millennials are among the most socially aware generation. With the influence the company they belong in holds, they view it as something that can effect change. Now, when those in the position of prestige and abundance refuse to take part in the social environment bigger than their corporate world, that’s when they look for leaders who have a heart elsewhere. This expectation of millennials towards leaders isn’t unfounded. Businesses don’t exist in a vacuum. You can’t be removed from the social context you’re operating in. Take part in improving it. Make a positive impact on the world; one tree planted or one child’s stomach filled at a time. You won’t just keep your millennial employees, but also protect the social environment your business is operating at. You can ensure a better future then for your venture.

Lack of flexibility

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One of the things the Gen Y is serious about is the work-life balance. They grew up seeing their parents strapped to their work, having no time for them. This is the reason they value flexibility in their jobs. When they don’t get that, they find other opportunities that will allow them to enjoy the work-life balance set-up. Some of them go to competitor-companies, sometimes. Others venture into freelancing or entrepreneurship. That said, if you want to retain millennials at your workplace, roll out flexibility in your policies. Allow remote work. Let them have a say on what time they go to work, as long as they’ll finish their tasks for the day. Break the vacation-shaming culture. Dedicate spaces in the office that would allow employees to take a break from work. If that would mean relocating, do it. Get in touch with professional office furniture movers Salt Lake City agencies provide to keep your stuff secure.

Learning opportunity barriers

Millennials prioritize self-growth in their careers. Unfortunately, some business leaders don’t maximize this eagerness in their employees. They neglect the importance of constant learning and development. If you’re only investing in one training program or two in a year for your workers, it’s no wonder millennials are leaving. Revive your training programs. Be more strategic in equipping your people, targeting to sharpen their character, personality, knowledge, and skills further. Survey your employees on which programs they’ll be most interested in, and then prioritize from there. Introduce apprenticeship as well to prepare and raise leaders in the years to come.

The Gen Y of Your Workforce

The cost of employees leaving your company is massive. It’s even more significant if it’s the young blood, the new, creative breed of workers abandoning you. So make every effort to keep your millennial employees.

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