Most adults are already stressed out before the Covid-19 crisis. This is especially true among parents who try so hard to juggle work, childcare, and other responsibilities. Thanks to the pandemic, parents are now even more stressed than ever.
Some had to start working remotely while others lost their jobs after their companies stopped operating. Kids are now home 24/7 and are now studying from home. With all the responsibilities every parent needs to work on, it is quite easy to feel burned out. But what many parents fail to realize is that their children are also affected by the current crisis in more ways than one.
Pandemic and Kids’ Mental Health and Happiness
Before, kids can freely play outdoors, socialize with friends eat out with their family and go to school. Now, they are stuck at home. They can only go out within the boundaries of their backyard. Personal interactions are limited to their household members. They can’t even physically hang-out with friends.
If adults are having a hard time staying indoors, kids are also struggling to adapt to their new set-up. Studies show people, both young and old, are more depressed during the pandemic. If parents will only focus on their struggles and won’t prioritize their kid’s mental health and well-being, then everyone in the family will have a hard time coping.
How to Support the Kids’ Mental Health and Well-being in the Age of Covid-19
The good news is, there are strategies you can consider so you can better support their kids during the Covid-19 crisis. This will not just help the children cope with what many calls the new norm. If your kids are happy and mentally healthy during the pandemic, you have fewer things to worry about and more reasons to be thankful for despite the current pandemic.
For starters, make sure you take time to talk to your kids about the current situation and why they need to listen to the precautionary measures imposed by the health experts. Use words and examples when trying to answer their questions. Allow them limited tech usage to keep in touch with their friends and loved ones.
If needed, make certain home improvements to make your home healthier and more comfortable for the family. Ensure regular cleaning and disinfection. Consider HVAC services if you feel that your heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning systems could use a bit of cleaning and maintenance. It is essential that you keep the right temperature inside the house to improve the family’s sleep quality. This will also ensure you and your kids are comfortable while they study and while you work at home.
Consider allowing the kids to help in improving their room. This will give them something to tackle and look forward to. Since they need their own dedicated place when studying, you can use this opportunity as an excuse to finally improve a spare room and turn it into their study area. Let them redecorate under your supervision and let their creativity shine.
Keep a daily routine and find ways to keep them preoccupied. Since kids no longer get to go out and attend classes like before, their routine is now disrupted. A daily routine will help them understand what they are supposed to do and what is expected of them each day. Keep kids active by letting them engage in different activities.
Aside from letting them play after learning online, teach them age-appropriate chores. This will help them learn important life skills, be more responsible and more helpful around the house. Kids who also help in home upkeep are more reluctant to make a mess for they play a part in cleaning it. This will give more time to take a break and enjoy their company. Remember that you can use all the help you can get.
Don’t forget a good role model. Stay calm and watch your words and actions. Kids can easily pick these up stress and negativity. Show them that it is okay to show emotions and that their emotions are valid. Find ways to help them deal with stress the healthy way.
Remember self-care and self-love. Support your own mental health. Take time when you need it. If you can’t take good care of yourself during these trying times, no one else can take care sand support your kids like you would. This will inspire your kids to do the same.
Your kids need you now more than ever. It may be exhausting at times knowing your role parent increased tenfold. But knowing your kids are happy and healthy can cause you big relief knowing you did well despite your heavy workload in time of the Covid-19 crisis.