bottle of juice being pack in the manufacturing house

Knowing the Right Business Model for Your Juice Business

Who does not want some juice? If you are looking for something flavorful and much more refreshing than water, you surely want to have a taste of juice. It can be an apple, orange, iced tea, or if you are looking for something much chiller, a slushy is worth having. Knowing that people are into juices, you may consider building a juice business. It is a lucrative business idea, as you will never run out of people who need refreshments. Who knows, yours will be the next Tazo or Florida’s Natural.

But starting such a business may mean that you need to look into a couple of things: funding, equipment, and business model. You should take time when it comes to picking the right business model to ensure that you will have income and get an excellent return on investment. So before you start buying commercial juice extractor machines, here are some of the business models that may work for your small juice enterprise:

Offer a delivery-only service

Starting a brick-and-mortar store may be difficult, especially if you do not have the funding to start construction. In this regard, you may consider beginning as a delivery-only business model. All your products will be delivered to your customers, and they can reach your business via an exclusive phone number or a website (it’s easy to build one through Shopify). For your logistics, you may consider partnering with a provider of business courier services, or you can hire people who can deliver them if you have the budget.

Become a reseller

You may not have the resources yet to start to build your brand and stores. But you can still become a juice vendor. That is through becoming a reseller. When you want to become a reseller or broker, you need to find a reliable brand to buy your juice from. You are lucky if you find a business that offers white-label products. This means that you can apply your brand to the products.

Start a small kiosk

Whether you are offering a product you have made your own or reselling juices, you may consider building a kiosk. What’s good about physical retail is that you can easily get results. Paying customers immediately get their goods, and you will easily get the payment. Just make sure that the place you will pick has high foot traffic. Factor in the costs involved in the construction of the store.

Go for wholesale

woman taking a photo of a juice in the market

If you have a bigger budget, you can easily mass-produce your juices and sell them wholesale. You may choose to pick a store or restaurant that is in need of beverages and refreshments. You may choose to be the exclusive provider of a company that has its own cafeteria. You may even consider offering white-label products.

Starting a juice business may be difficult at first, especially if you do not have a definite business model. When you have picked a stable business model, it is time to focus on operations and marketing. You will need to invest time in growing your business and gaining traction with your target audience.

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