
Invisalign: where were they thirty years ago?

There will be many adults now who wish that Invisalign W1 was available all those years ago when they were children! Those were the days when it was mostly children who had to wear a metal brace in their mouth to correct misaligned teeth. The treatment was successful, and many adults today owe their straight teeth to those braces. Dental science and technology have thankfully brought about massive changes to the original appliance and helped to develop new and more efficient treatments.

No longer one-size-fits-all

Dentists of decades ago did not have access to treatments for specific conditions, so they had to do the best with what they had at the time. However, in the 20th century, treatments are vastly different and more targeted. There are a variety of braces and aligners on the market that can be prescribed for the treatment of specific conditions.

Invisalign a different technique


Invisalign is well regarded in the orthodontic community as a leader in the aligner market. The concept differs from the way that braces work. Braces can be fitted to the front or back of the teeth and involve using wires and bands. Invisalign is completely different and requires the patient to wear a series of trays to correct the misaligned condition. The trays fit over the teeth in the same way that gum shields do. They are made from a clear medical-grade dental material known as Smart Track, which makes them inconspicuous. The technology that accompanies Invisalign is truly amazing. The dentist can show a patient a virtual image of how their smile will look after treatment before it has even begun.

How does Invisalign work?

A thorough dental examination is required as the treatment uses computer technology to design the various trays. Using a 3D scanner, the dentist can create a high-resolution picture of your teeth. From this, the software allows the dentist to send the image of your teeth to the laboratory that then creates the various trays. The orientation of each tray is designed to exactly follow the previous tray. Each tray moves the patient’s teeth gradually into the desired location, resulting in straight and healthy teeth. Each tray must be worn for at least 22 hours per day but can be removed before brushing, flossing, eating or drinking; this is a welcome relief for many as this feature allows for more flexibility when it comes to busy schedules and lifestyles. Furthermore, treatment with Invisalign aligners does not require frequent visits to the dentist for adjustment. The Invisalign trays are each produced with computer accuracy, and the adjustment, therefore, is merely the changing of one tray to the next, which is a far quicker procedure for the patient.

Treatment period

The duration of the treatment is dependent on the condition being treated but generally lasts for around 12 months. Once the treatment has been completed, it will be necessary to wear a retainer, which will allow the teeth to settle into their new position. Invisalign is particularly attractive to adults because they are less obtrusive and can be removed for short durations.

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