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Household Chores for Kids: Assigning Chores By Age

Doing chores helps kids learn more about what they need to do to take care of themselves, a house, and a family. It helps them gain valuable life skills, which they can use later on in their lives. Even if your child doesn’t enjoy the chore, they’ll get the feeling of satisfaction that comes with completing a task, helping them feel more competent and responsible.

Moreover, sharing housework helps your family work better and reduce overall stress — freeing up time for the family to spend more time together.

Naturally, difficult and complex tasks such as cleaning up the gutters and roofing are jobs meant for a professional roof cleaner, the following are the different age-appropriate chores your child can do.

2 to 3 Years Old

Toddlers typically love to help out with chores, even if they’re not as helpful as you’d hope. Most toddlers love to see visual reminders of their success, so making a sticker chart is an excellent idea to implement. Doing this helps you create positive habits for your kids to find chores and help others as a way of life.

The chores you can let your little ones do includes picking up toys and books, helping feed pets, placing laundry in the hamper, or wiping up messes.

4 to 5 Years Old

Preschoolers are often as motivated to help and also appreciate personal time with their parents. If you take the time to teach them household chores one on one, they typically love it. Plus, at this age, they’ll start to appreciate awards. Use a sticker chart to track their performance and rewards points.

The chores you can ask preschool-aged kids are clearing or setting up a table and carrying or putting away groceries.

6 to 8 Years Old

Although your child’s enthusiasm may have diminished at this point, you can take advantage of their desire to be independent, which you can expect around this age. You can help your child become self-sufficient in their chores by creating a ‘chore chart’ to track their responsibilities, motivating them to continue working.

Everyday chores school-aged kids can do include taking out the trash, taking care of the family pet, vacuuming, and mopping.


9 to 12 Years Old

Children at this age appreciate a set schedule and expectations, so it’s best to create a system with a bit of input from them to establish a better routine. Part of it should address rewards and ‘punishments’ (such as added tasks) when your child does well in their chores or didn’t do their duties entirely, so they understand the consequences in advance.

The best chores for 9- to 12-year olds include preparing simple meals, raking leaves, cleaning the bathroom, and helping wash the cars.

13 to 18 Years Old

When your child reaches their teenage years, they’re likely more than capable of handling most chores. However, be sensitive about their cramped schedules as most teens struggle to keep up with full workloads. Monitor your teen’s school commitments to adjust leisure and chores accordingly.

Chores you can ask them to do are washing windows, cleaning kitchen appliances, doing the family’s laundry, or preparing meals.

When assigning chores for your kids, keep in mind that all children are different and that age shouldn’t be your only factor when choosing tasks for them to do. Think about their physical ability and maturity, as well. Set up your kids for success by giving them the right chores, honing their life skills and appreciation for hard work, which they’ll undoubtedly bring with them when they grow up.

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