a modern living room design in white, black and brown color interiors

Home Improvement Projects That Can Add Value to Your Property

There are a number of ways you can increase the value of your property, and doing so always proves to be a good decision whether you’re planning to sell in the future or not. Here are three additions to your property that will not only boost its market value but also give it an aesthetic upgrade.

Auxiliary Room

Whether you’re planning to add another room or extending your home space, you can count on the structural stability of a granny flat. Many builders in Melbourne can attest to the versatility and efficiency of these structures, which have become the perfect option for those who are looking to build an auxiliary space.

Granny flats are quite the versatile outdoor structures that replicate all the living comforts that can be found in a traditional home like a proper bed space, a living area, a dinette, and a kitchenette, as well as a proper toilet and bath.

These structures come pre-fabricated kits, which will be assembled on-site. It’s a truly efficient way to build a structure as it requires less time to build and has a very low environmental impact, as well.

While the main purpose of these flats to provide a comfortable living space for the elderly, it can also be used as a transitional home for your children before completely moving into their own homes. This multi-purpose structure is a great investment and a perfect addition to your property.

Pool Area

A pool adds a whole lot of versatility and energy to a space, and there’s nothing quite like spending a perfect afternoon with your kids or your spouse by the pool, enjoying a mini staycation right in the privacy of your home.

This space also doubles as an entertainment area for hosting parties at home, which makes your home quite the perfect place for intimate gatherings. Today’s modern pool designs come in customizable shapes and sizes, allowing homeowners with small yard spaces to fit a pool in the landscape, even in odd shaped or tight spaces where it used to be impossible to fit a pool in.

The size of these pools makes it a practical option for homeowners who can’t have full-size pools in their yard, and these are more cost efficient to maintain, too.

Garden with Hedging

man trimming the hedging of the garden

One way to define the area of your property is by putting up a fence. But if you’re not a fan of the utilitarian look, a garden hedging can serve as a border around your property. If the back of your property is facing a wide-open lawn space, using hedges to mark the perimeter of your home creates a seamless transition between the outdoors and your backyard.

It also serves as a border to separate your space from adjoining lawns, if your property is in the middle. Aside from acting as a fence for your property, it also defines your garden, giving it a structured look.

Taller hedges can also serve as privacy screens, thereby increasing the level of security and privacy within your property. This landscaping technique works double purpose, serving as a garden aesthetic and a property border at the same time.

Not to mention, it provides shade, acts as a natural air filter, and reduces the amount of noise that reaches your home, making garden hedging a practical investment to secure your home and boost its curb appeal.

These practical additions to your property can enhance its aesthetic value and most importantly, increase its market value. These improvements will definitely create a modern-day living space; that’s not just practical but also packs a lot of style and charm.

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