How to generate interest in your dental practice: the 3 steps you need to know

If you have a dental practice, you may well be aware of how competitive the market is for finding new patients. Everybody should go to the dentist, but with a plethora to choose from, you need to stand out from the crowd if you want to encourage patients to pick you above another nearby. This is why it is sensible to enlist the services of a dental marketing company. They are experienced in delivering results, when it comes to boosting your social media presence and ensuring the quality of your website keeps potential patients reading after landing on your page.

While social media for dentists and website content is important, this is only part of the marketing strategy that should be employed. A decent marketing campaign should also include SEO (search engine optimisation) to ensure that your website is noticed on the results page of a search engine. This process involves them monitoring keywords that are searched for on Google using Google Analytics and ensuring that both your website and content created for it contain these terms. They will need to constantly monitor this as the words can change and keeping up with these trends will give you greater prominence on Google.

seo works

The 3 steps

There are 3 steps which a dental marketing company might seek to take in order to gain the most attention for your business.

1. Target audience

This probably seems rather obvious, however, ensuring that you highlight the treatments that you want to reach a particular audience is going to be important in gaining the most interest. If you try and have a website landing page that wants to please everybody, the chances are it won’t have a big impact, whereas if you choose a particular audience, then you can capture their interest. Also, by focussing on one or two of your treatments, it could also entice people to look at what else you can do. So, if you are keen to target mature people who need dental implants, as well as those who want to discreetly realign their smile with Invisalign, these could be the two that take pride of place on the home page.

2. Attracting leads

A website should be multimodal, including video content which is a great way to attract attention to your practice, products and brand. Many people engage well with videos and they are now seen as a must in the marketing world. Your marketing team could also advise you to include relevant information that people will need to see in order to feel like they want to contact you for an appointment. The focus of a marketing team should be creating content for you that achieves this and they will have the knowledge on how to do this for you, while you get on with being a dentist!

3. Nurture your leads

Once you’ve got interest from patients, your marketing team can also help you to turn that interest into new patient conversions by ensuring that there is a process for following up interest registered on the website or social media, for example. A lot goes into this stage and finding out what a marketing team offers to achieve this is highly recommended before choosing which one to go with.

When you have found your dental marketing team, you can look forward to having increased interest and footfall in your practice – get ready to be busy!

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