man throwing plastic bottle in the bin

3 Ways You can Do to Improve Waste Management around the Office 

Thanks to global go green campaigns, some businesses today are now implementing a paper recycling policy in their workplace.  As a business owner, you should also set a good example to your colleagues. Having an efficient waste management solution will not only keep your premises clean and organised. This is a big help to the environment, as well.

Fact Sheet

Offices along with warehouses and factories are some of the biggest producers of waste. On average, an office of 200 people produces 40 to 50 bags of waste in a week. This is equivalent to about 2,000 litters of waste bins in just a week. The worst thing about it is that nine over 90% of office waste can be recycled.

In a recent report, over 40 waste incinerators across the United Kingdom burned more than 10 million tonnes of rubbish in 2018. Most of it came from England, where it accounted for about 42% of waste disposal. These figures are extremely concerning as it can increase air pollution, and greatly affect climate change.

While the UK faces several protests from several organisations, you can start making big contributions by simply improving your waste disposal. To help you out, here are some tips to minimise waste in the office:

  1. Reduce your Paper Consumption

This is the first big step in reducing office waste as paper is one of the most used supplies in any workspace. While it can be challenging to implement to a paperless office despite the advancement of technology, there are other simpler ways you can do to minimise paper consumption. You can advise your colleagues to reuse papers by duplex printing or using the other side of the paper.

If you’re still using outdated methods to keep office records, now is the right time to take advantage of digital software. For example, you can use online tools such as Time Doctor and Work IQ to monitor your employees’ attendance and performance. Most of these tools have advanced features allowing you to keep track of all the activities more efficiently.

  1. Expand Recycling System

woman throws trash in colored binsOnce you have figured out different ways to reduce and reuse, it will be easier for you to explore and improve recycling system. Start with the basic office supplies such as paper and cards since these are the most visible and highest volume of waste products in the office. In time, you can start recycling other materials such as glass, plastics, bulbs, batteries, and office equipment. Use colour-coded trash bins to segregate the recyclable and non-recyclable waste.

You can also work with other organisations or agencies providing complete waste management solutions. These professionals have a wealth of experience in delivering responsible recycling solutions. As much as possible, look for service providers implementing a zero-to-landfill waste management system.

  1. Train your Colleagues

You won’t be successful with this campaign if you cannot make your team cooperate. Remind them of the importance of recycling or reusing office supplies. You can invite guest speakers to come to your office to give valuable insights, and spread awareness. You can also organize outreach activities to make them more engaged with the situation.

These are just some ways you can do to improve waste management around the office.

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