Modern Log Cabin Home in a Forest Environment

Pointers on Transforming Your Old House into a Vacation Lodge

Sometimes, people choose to purchase more than one residential property. Maybe it was cheap at the time, or they were planning on having family members live in it. Unfortunately, not all of them are actually lived in and are left unattended for many years.

If you have one such property, a good way to make use of it would be to turn it into a vacation lodge. Take note of these important pointers while you’re working on reviving and repurposing your old house for those who want to take a break.


If your home hasn’t been used in a very long while, chances are its features and amenities are going to be outdated. Some people do like old-style appliances and furniture, but they can be expensive to keep running or pose certain health risks.

In that case, it’s best to breathe life back into your home by modernizing certain parts of it. For example, you can opt to call a certified company that does gas fireplace installation in Utah to replace your existing one that runs on wood.

Upgrades don’t even have to be that expensive. You just have to make sure that you’ve got the basics covered such as water, electricity, Wi-Fi, and cable.


Before you make any upgrades, however, you have to check the house thoroughly for any signs of disrepair. This is a must, especially if the property is over a decade or two old. That way, you’re sure that your old home can withstand such activity as turning it into a vacation place.

Exterior renovation of a modern house and construction equipmentsContact inspectors to check if the lines for electricity and water can handle the incoming demand. Don’t forget to let them see if your house has any dangerous materials in it. While you’re at it, you can also call on pest control to weed out any insect or vermin that may have resided there while you were away.


Once you’re done preparing the place, the next step that you need to take would be to promote it, ideally months prior to the holidays. You need to make people aware that accommodations are now available and that they can make their arrangements early.

The most common ways of advertising nowadays are social media platforms and e-commerce websites, but you can also hire local real estate companies for marketing. Sometimes, even the people in the area need a nearby place to get away from the responsibilities of their actual home.

Of course, since your property will become a place of business, you shouldn’t forget to get the necessary permissions and make the needed registrations for it. You don’t want to spend so much money on it and let it all go to waste because you did what you’re not supposed to.

Otherwise, a vacation lodge is a worthwhile way of making use of your old home. Even if you’re not the one who’s going actually to live in it, it’s much better than leaving it to rot and be more of a waste.

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